Friday, August 22, 2008

FRIENDS::are we close or we are closed

finally i am drawn back after long long time.
every time i try to reach this place back i get lost because this is just as "the room of requirement " of the harry can not forcefully reach here ..its only when you are spontaneous and words are strongly felt you pick this blog space.
My path to it was guided by a strange feeling tonight aroused by personal demeanor to the linked listing of testimonial reading on the popular social networking site orkut.
I started to wonder what has happened to the term :friendship.
when the college started we joined hands to walk straight towards our common goal with fresh promises of being best buddies and closest pals.we gave short and sweet names to each other,worked diligently to make each other happy with tiffins and ice creams,small meets outside college that bashed about ridiculous Hindi movies,good Hollywood flicks in few joints of pizza hut,food court and baskin robins.
Gradually they grew up to birthday treats as well where people discussed about ridiculous college,absurd timings,opposite sex and hangovers .
The extended hands were together when few chose to make 'someone special' from the communion itself where "joining hands" turned to "holding hands" and tender caress.
what we materialised as Da kewl gang turned into a stabilised and well fomented icon of friendship
the cellphone cameras and 'pics/snaps' folder on laptops were flooded with pictures that could make celestial promises of staying together forever forever.....forever.
But what happens next.. does life takes a toll?did the boat in which all of us were sailing towards the common goal toppled?were we lost during the earthquake? or was it a tornado that swept us all and carried us in its wings to different direction so that we can never be together again?
NO nothing of that sorts ever happened, yet very tactfully and skillfully very similar to the way the Pangea became the continents we drifted miles and miles away from each other .............................
The gathering that were there, turned into a ritual to be performed just in order to pretend that we are still close.The discussions became endless and pauses turned into 'hey wazzup'.why these Communions don't seduce my spirits and has remained the way of pleasure retention for my soul like they were before.why has the same people not remained with us?
And today the miracle child asks me why did this happen?was it deliberate?was it holding all grey and ulterior motives?
Are we still close or we have closed and done with all this ?
My answer is though far fetched because even i have failed to understand that when we became friends we had things in common,now we turned out to be absolute strangers in terms of traits and behaviour.Friendship was not a forced hackneyed idea for us.It was a contemporary concept where we picked them unlike our ancestral bhajans and keertans yet we have failed to perform the friendship ritual faithfully as well......
Do i need to say we are absolutely confused genes which lacks the trend of introspection .
NO i am not done ..i wish to express more but then i cant bear it along because i am also one of the culprits !!