Monday, June 30, 2008


The existence of Muslims in our country has never been a question of discussion but their behavioral characteristic has always plunged the modern Jinnah and Nehru into the deepest and rigorous debates.
The country widely pronounces its tolerance for cultural equinox as well as claims to have room for diversity. It is said that India supports more Muslims than even nations with cultural abyss, say Pakistan.
But like always promises widely differs from what is crawling on the pragmatic grounds. Its not only about giving space and food to eat.
The snails have long eaten the roots of brand equity called Hindu Muslim unity and the damage is irreparable to an extent that even the fine spring of cosmopolitan tradition haven’t healed much of the wounds created by the havoc.
And the ignorance not only comes from the illiterate rural areas subdued in the large cultural difference but also from the educated congregations.
Recently I saw a movie called
AAMIR where the protagonist a highly educated classified doctor is forced through communion of tremors and accidents and physiologically knelt to surrender to the agents of misanthropy and iconoclasm.
He struggles till the end and that is where it becomes so very evident that how vulnerable he is and in a situation like him only few can survive the blow. The protagonist does so though, but what need to be understood is that everyone is not
We cannot just behave like one meek Gandhi’s monkey shutting the eyes and doubling the cover by putting hands on the eyes. What we really need to do is not an obsolete but an absolute cultural acceptance, which evolves from true philanthropist existence, when people see their countrymen dieing in the battles and terrorist tussles their tolerance towards each other vanishes resulting to a division of a mighty gushing stream of Indians into smaller
distributaries called Hindus and Muslims.
This should be the antonym of the classical idea of what we call modern society.


Anonymous said...

hey sahay good post buddy.

but the biggest problem is that all of know what the problem is. its about finding answers.

and stop criticizing gandhi when you don't understand him.

miracle child!! said...

hey...arey it is not about what we feel it is it about how things are going.
and sorry if you took it in the wrong way i was speaking about the measures to be adopted.
but thanks for reading anyways :)

balsam said...

dis subject haz been written about and discussed N no. of tymz..
its high time v stopped touching this topic only 2 spread awareness kinda thing.
accordin 2 me by writin abt it again n again v r only makin it evident dat v as individuals also feel that v 'hindus n muslims' are not one.

let d individual decide how one wants 2 treat other.

y dont ppl make films time and again about other forms of discrimination.

the 'limelight' shud be removed from this subject so dat our cumin generationz dont call it a 'sensitive subject'.

and fr d post its an amazing rite as always!
god bless u :)

miracle child!! said...

accordin 2 me by writin abt it again n again v r only makin it evident dat v as individuals also feel that v 'hindus n muslims' are not one.

unfortunately i dont agree to this ..
and yeah i do wait to see ur opinion far as i cansay it keep scribbling :)

miracle child!! said...

arrey its nothing of that sorts i was just wondering that what an oxymoron it is as u contradict urself with such issues..i never thought u uphold such values ...besides talking abt the taboo never makes it bigger but decentirifies its intensity , it may not be travelling in correct beam of directions bnut sure the intnetions are always pure as dove :)

diya said...

what is important to realize here is the question that do such movies actually promote a feeling of national brotherhood and freternity or just intensify the hindu muslim intolerance.
true we cannot turn a blind eye to whats happening in our motherland but movies like amir at the end of the day only makes a hindu realize that muslims are continously trying to threaten them and the country, and the muslims get a feeling that they are constantly being targeted at...