Sunday, February 20, 2011

Doing the right thing!!

This time when I go from Delhi  I will be gone for good.I have always been loved here like truly belong here but yes i was an outsider, who came here and got a lot of  love from lots of people.They made me important because they thought i am a good person,which was over hyped.
A lot of people made me important in their life and I was overwhelmed.
But that has cost dearly.I have damaged others relations knowingly or unknowingly and intentionally or unintentionally,but yes there has been destruction because of me.
I do agree I have made mistakes and others have made it too!
But the important thing is not who made more and bigger mistakes.The important thing is how to correct it.And now when I realize I want to mend it or hedge the damage I feel the best way is to walk out.Someone should. And it better be me.I should walk away from some lives and from those lives from which i have already gone I should fade away from their memories too.
Some are my friends who would not want this to happen but they should understand that their other  relationship in their life that is much more than our friendship and I am happy to accept that they have set their priorities. 
I know its not easy to do it but who said the right things were easy to do.I can experience it right now that they are definitely the ones that needs the most amount of courage and strength to sacrifice and even if I may sound foolish I would like to believe I am the strongest of the characters of this play.
Well what about me I have never doubted my art of being with myself even when I have people around me.I have learnt that happiness is not just celebration of an achievement sometimes it is also the peace of learning from failure,even if the failure is fatal to you as a person.
I know that there are somethings I am going to lose that I can never hope will return but the thought of doing the right thing will fill the gap.I hope I am doing the right thing.
This post is dedicated to people whom I have hurt  and a declaration and reminder to self about what path should be followed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dont know whether its a right thing to do or not..but either way u might learn from ur mistake or u will be happy in future that you did the right thing..
And i would also like to share that there are people which are always with u even if they dont show or lost their paths but meant to be with you, then its your responsiblity to get them back on track or atleast make them aware of their path because they might have forgot there path but you wont.
P.S: Be wise in choosing the people which you have decided to loose.